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This article was last updated on 2023-10-31, the content may be out of date.

尝试 Bitcoin 期权

made 300 usd from my long call options

during when bitcoin price hit 26,000 usd, i made a long call options, the price is like 2,000 usd for a whole

considering im only a new fish in this game, so i put about 200 bucks into it.

the very option gives me a privledge to buy bitcoin at price 35,000 usd in 6/28 2024.

it was a simple strategy: the havling time is coming in 2024 , and i think it will pop up the price

last week news see SEC is doing sth with the ETF things, so the bitcoin price hit 35,000 or sth,

my long call position returns about 300%, i liquatated it in 5550 usd , earning is like about 200 bucks.


  • 理论价值(in that situation is the black-scholes model)常常与市场价值不等。

  • 需要考虑到市场容量、流动性、承接水平,去考虑你的初始投资额。

  • stay away from A SHARE

  • gary gensler used to be a partner in goldsachs whlie during the time i wrote this, he is the chairman of SEC, been listen his classes in MIT on bilibili, quite a guy.


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